June word of the month: Anew > Yesterday was my birthday so this is my new year and I'm officially out of my 20s. This isn't a new year new me kind of thing. Instead, I'm following through with all the shit, I've promised myself over the last few months. I'm working harder than ever for my business and also rewiring myself to unlearn some things that have held me back and dimmed me a bit.
What word, phrase or affirmation are you carrying through for June?
Run a FB ad for Bridal or Branding
I'm not sure which one I want to focus on yet. Boudoir was initially my Mother's Day promo idea, but it never really saw the light of day because It's hard to market this kind of intimate session when a shelter in place order is in effect.

Write + Schedule July Blogs
I've never blogged this consistently EVER... I'm quite proud of myself. 7 months is a hella long streak for me.
Connect with Brands I Love
I'm shooting my shot all 2020. Getting used to rejection (it doesn't sting as bad anymore) and embracing the love I get back. With less than a year in Houston, I still have so much to explore and so many brands to find and work with.

Complete my Bridal Experience
Booking a wedding with me includes many many parts. We build a real relationship because I'm not a hit it and quit it kind of girl or in this case shoot and burn. I'm with my brides all the way through and I think it could use a few more finishing touches. A happy couple is one that will tell their friends and family about me and that's the best marketing tool ever.
Complete second quarter taxes
I hate taxes... I hate counting... I hate balancing and reporting and all of that. I'm not an accountant i'm a creative... but the state of texas and the IRS don't give a damn what I hate so its gotta be done.
What are you cooking up for this new summer month? Grab a screenshot of my template and be sure to share it with me on IG or FB.
